Earlier this week, according to the BBC, scientists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California have overcome one of the major barriers to achieving…
In a previous article I described the need to redefine our economic model such that resources are valued prior to consumption, and a cost is…
As promised, this post is a follow-up to my previous article in which I posited the idea of major economic reforms that could lead to…
I’ve returned from my trip to Hong Kong, ready to provide some analysis of the climate change debate hosted by Intelligence^2 Asia “The west is…
Next week I will be attending a debate in Hong Kong titled “The west is full of hot air; Asia is saving the world from…
Recently I read Ray Kurzweil’s “The Singularity is Near.” Kurzweil, a reputable futurist, takes the reader through his vision for a future in which machines…